Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Yard Ain't No Hard

how I miss you, Wildcats.

one of my favorite memories from college is rambling over to the Frog & Firkin once my afternoon classes ended: a short jaunt from campus onto University Blvd.

me, some other blokes, a jukebox, a sunny patio, and beer served in a Yard-long Test Tube-Type of Deliciousness.

it was also the first place I tried a Witbier, which was a beauteous gateway into splashes of Spatens & other crisp liquid Euro-fare.

this toast is for you, Frog!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I no-heart NYC

the greatest city in the world?

I've been to NYC in a limited capacity: once to Manhattan, once to Brooklyn. both were very short trips, and both taught me well enough of the charms of the City That Never Sleeps: it never did a thing for me.

please do indulge me with this list of twenty places I've been to and preferred more spiritually/intrinsically/romantically. These are places I'd rather be in than that bustling Metropolis if given the choice. In no particular order:

1. Tucson, AZ
2. San Francisco, CA
3. San Antonio, TX
4. Boston, MA
5. Baltimore, MD
6. Las Vegas, NV
7. Pittsburgh, PA
8. Portland, ME
9. Orlando, FL
10. San Diego, CA
11. Santa Fe, NM
12. Washington, DC
13. Austin, TX
14. Memphis, TN
15. San Juan, PR
16. Flagstaff, AZ
17. Gettysburg, PA
18. New Orleans, LA
19. New Haven, CT
20. Richmond, VA

Realize: I don't necessarily loathe the big city. I wanna dig it. I do. I wanna close my eyes while Alicia Keys sings it to me & feel feel feel that brilliance.

But I haven't yet.

Thank you. That is all.