Monday, May 10, 2010

hey, X? you should feel bad about your existence.

hey, buddy. in the english alphabet, you pretty much have no use:

box = bocks.
xenophobe = zenophobe

linguistically, you are just a replacement for what other letters can do. you are like a whore without the payment. because, c'mon. no one really thinks so highly of you or your ability to stand in for other sounds.

you arent even the most precious of scrabble points. dick.

just. just move on, sir.


  1. yes but in the mathematical alphabet it is king

  2. I disagree with you sir...... X=kiss as O=Hug
    XOXO Linda

  3. Even though it's pretty useless, "X" gets a lot of pussy. It's the bad boy of the alphabet.
